Non-Fiction Reading List Fiction Reading List Below
Michael Parenti Reflections on politics, media, ideology, conspiracy, ethnic life, and class power.
Similar to Ukraine today- In 1970 alone, the JDL committed five acts of terrorism. Though SOVIETS were their main victims, the JDL has targeted anyone it considers a threat to the survival of radical Jewish nationalism
Zionists Tied to Nazi and KKK Organizing
Thompson- James Guttman applied for a permit to hold combined demonstration of Nazi and KKK was really Mordecai Levy, leader of the New Jewish Defense League and Anti-defamation league.
MacDonald- Trilogy of books by 'Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist, White Supremacist'!! it actually says that. Evolutionary psychology provides the motivations behind Jewish group behavior and culture.
Laws of Fear- Beyond the Precautionary Principle
Cass- Examination of the complex relationship between fear, danger, and the law, examining the many problems in what is known as 'the precautionary principle'.
Bodies of Evidence Forensic Science and Crime
Christensen--- looks in detail at the development of forensic sciences.
Broderick- Explores 18 of the world's most intriguing conspiracy theories.
Lobaczewski A study of the founders and supports of oppresive political regimes. Analyzes the common factors that lead to the propagation of man's inhumanity to man.
Amerikkka Practices it's Own Brand of Ethinic Cleansing
Khalid Abdullah
Bodies Of Evidence -Reconstructing History Through Skeletal Analysis
Wiley Liss 1995
How politicians exploit your emotions and what you can do about it -Boyack
Imperialism The Highest Stage of Capitalism
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Marsden Translation
Attica Uprising Heather Thompson
Prolitarian Revolution and Prolitarian Dictatorship
Lenin Another good source of Protlitarian/Socialist info can be found at
In the Name of America Collection Discloses an American crisis and issues that must be faced by every responsible citizen
COININTELPRO FBI's Secret war on political freedom
Robin Andersen
Kill Anything That Moves The real American war in Vietnam
Nick Turse
Medicine is now No1 Cause of Death in US
Army Manual Concentration Camps
Dean Fougere 2014
Slavery Abolitionism and Ethics of Biblical Scholarship
Critique of idea that the Bible should be the basis for modern ethics
J. Meerloo The mass psychosis of Totalitarianism begins with the ruling class
J. Meerloo The human mind is characterized by two antagonistic forces struggling for supremacy.
William Sargant Physiology of conversion and brain washing
Carl Jung Collective works of C G Jung volume 18
Frances Hill the full story of the Salem Witch Trials
Interpretation of Schizophrenia
Silvano Arieti A monumental and definitive study of what is known about schizophrenia. Remarkable for scientific content and profound humanism
W Reich Brilliant Prophetic Document
The Covidian Cult part 1 part 2 creative video supplement
C J Hopkins Consent Factory Essays
How the state influences mass hysteria and it's economic impact.
The Origins of Totalitarianism
Hanna Arendt
Hasnas - The state is bloody terrific when it comes to moral inversion
Mark Dery- Deconstructing Psycho-Killer Clowns
Daniel Hopsicker- Mohamed Atta & the Venice Flying Circus
Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare
M Hoffman- People, are alchemically transformed into beasts who care for nothing but money & T.V.
The Most Dangerous Book in the World
S K Bain -Definitely red pill level literature.
Psychology of Rigorous Humanism
J Rychlak
L Gustave
A critique of Jewish pre-eminence in America
The Complete Works of George Orwell
Protocols Of Learned Elders of Zion