sorry I missed live. About the MF 'afraid he'll be killed in state prison' I think that would be PERFECT JUSTICE. he now knows what black men deal with WALKING DOWN THE DAMN STREET IN PUBLIC! And to Palestine- Biden did same exact thing in hopes of it increasing his election favorability by farce killing Bin Laden2. CONTEMPLATE THAT FOR A MINUTE- This is REALITY for the "land of the free home of brave". THE PRESIDENT THINKS WE WILL LIKE HIM MORE IF HE MURDERS SOMEONE WE DON'T LIKE! AGAIN- the state doesn't give 2 shits about violence. they love using violence and destruction! they MURDER ppl and DESTROY VIA BOMB SOVEREIGN NATIONS who get in way of their trafficking operations, Like Ukraine, Epstein, Israel, Haiti, Columbia, EVEN FOREIGN PRESIDENTS. ONLY VIOLENCE they have problem with is when it is directed at them or their p in retaliation.