Friday, April 10, 2020

How The Poor Will Save The World AGAIN
As we realize the complete corruption of all elected officials and law enforcement by corporate fascists and feel helpless and small, we are failing to recognize the enormous opportunity American's have in achieving what most of us believe was the intention of our nation since its founding.
In the last decade I've learned, in shock and horror, that my country has benefited greatly from the tremendous suffering of others. This revelation, at first, was so painful and infuriating I became obsessed with trying to disprove my findings in an attempt to avoid the feelings of shame and guilt that came with that reality. No such luck though.
I have found some solace in looking at American history in the same way I now look at my former Christian beliefs. While I'm no longer a Christian who believes in the invisible man in the sky with a son named Jesus who died so his father wouldn't send us sinners to hell, I do feel that Jesus, even as a fictional character is a beautiful human being and we would all benefit from emulating him. Jesus, was very poor but still he influences the world tremendously thousands of years after his death. So much for the impoverished being powerless huh?
In researching historical revolutions I had a difficult time finding any at all that came via one great leader or king or president. With few exceptions we have the poor persons of generations long past to thank for all rights we still have today as well as those we have squandered.
The poverty population today is phenomenal and they are getting fed up. They will rise and eventually they will win. My only concern is the time we have until the opportunity to succeed without violence is gone.
I watched a fascinating Ted Talk in which the speaker studied historical revolutions to try to figure out what the successful revolutions had in common. His research clearly indicated that the common factor was in the numbers. Apparently the success rate became close to 100% when 3.5% of the nations citizens engaged in civil disobedience. 3.5%. In America, 3.5% of the population is no small number, but when compared to the number of people living in poverty you can see it is entirely possible. There are 49 million Americans living in poverty currently.
I've been brainstorming ideas along with a few a friends to find a way to spark the movement sooner. We all agree that the fastest most plausible way would be to engage non profit organizations, and there are many, convincing them it would further their own causes to collaborate resources for a movement that would benefit the entire world ultimately. It is crucial we get as many people as possible to occupy the capitol in order to succeed. While many of us would gladly go ourselves, current circumstances and tremendous obligations make it impossible.
But.. we certainly can assist those who can go in getting there. Collaborating with Non profits we can get buses to take the homeless, unemployed, disabled, and retired,to occupy the capital demanding restoration of the constitutional rights we were tricked into surrendering. Once our rights are restored we can continue to occupy legally demanding the wars and killings be halted.
Then we can continue to occupy and demand the halt and dismantling of the mass surveillance sinkhole, and then the removal and criminal accountability for all past and current public officials beginning with the Cheney administration for the numerous atrocities committed here at home such as the stealing of the presidency, 9/11, torture, treason and terrorism and around the world for war crimes they committed in our name. The list goes on and on and on but once the first few demands that are required for functional democracy are met, all the following causes can be achieved much more easily via that democracy.
The path of redemption for America in the world can only come after we have stopped our war mongering leaders who bomb and kill and torture to expand their dominance. The entire population of the world (besides the rich and powerful) is counting on us to stop this atrocious fascist regime. They are incapable of doing this themselves and America is supposed to protect the little guys from the big guys right? That is the intended role of America isn't it? It is our responsibility isn't it? America can become a protector rather than aggressor as we know it should. The protective role of America in the world was the only exceptional thing about America that we should take pride in. We have a glorious opportunity to determine our legacy in World History. Do we really want to go down in history as the Germans did under Hitler? Turing a blind eye claiming no responsibility while millions get slaughtered under our flag? Hell no! We want to be the generation that toppled the filthy American Empire. The home of the brave that took on the greatest empire in the history of the world to protect the lives of others.
The millions that are suffering and dying because of our complacency must be bewildered. They face tanks and drones with rocks and bottles but continue to fight. All the Americans have to do is show up. Thousands gladly show up for a football game but don't believe the suffering of millions deserves their undivided attention. Very shameful indeed. We can still turn this around relatively painlessly if we are motivated to. There are plenty of Liberals and Progressives and rights and awareness organizations out there with the means to make this happen. We can make them aware of the responsibility they have in protecting the weak.After all that is what all these orgs are created for aren't they? Get them engaged. Make them think. Shame them if necessary. Insist they help and insist they use their celebrity to get others to help. It is important we realize the reason the elite don't want us protesting is because our unity is the one weapon powerful enough to squash their plans.They show us in their excessive force response to people carrying signs exactly how to destroy them.
Something else to consider is the power of the poor via boycott. Even one day of refusal to purchase anything from a giant corporation like Walmart would literally cost them far more than raising employee compensation would. That is the ONLY thing that changes their minds. When the greedy lose money they change their ways period. We are the boss if that is what we choose. We can dictate to them and to government if we show up. What are we waiting for? Another Oscar deserving President? We already know how that story ends.