Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Seething And Disgusted

As I listen to establishment hippocrats blame Wisconsin death vote on republicans I am furious and nauseated. THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT US! #DementiaJoe, on Tuesday, was still telling people it's safe to vote and today he says "his gut feeling was it shouldn't have happened"! WTF? You know we can HEAR you right? How F'n stupid does he think we are? Obviously he is certain we are mindless and will believe whatever he tells us from one day to the next. He speaks to us as if we don't have EYES!
The establishment thinks we're idiots. We, as individuals, have NO value to them. The realization of this is painful but true. We've known it deep down but have clung to the tiny thread of hope Bernie Sanders dangled before us. I love Bernie. I love what he's done and what he stands for. I cherish his agenda with every fiber of my being.
However, he clearly is not willing to do what it takes to actually win. What good is HE to US if he can't win? What good is he to us in the fight against corruption if he's gonna vote with, and tell you to vote with the corrupt? He reminds me more and more of a person with battered spouse syndrome. The DNC beats the shit out of him on a daily basis. They lie, cheat, steal, and beat. But instead of calling THEM out, he blames outside forces. WILLFULLY PRETENDING his abuser is a 'victim' of corporate donations and the GOP! You know the defense- "it's not his fault he hits me. He is under so much pressure". Give me a F'n break!
The thought of him telling me to vote for Biden repeatedly is INTOLERABLE. I will NEVER vote for a rapist no matter who tells me I should. I will NEVER vote for a rapist because another rapist might win! I will only vote for a candidate that hasn't been accused of raping ANYONE EVER or supported a candidate who has. I will NEVER vote for a candidate that takes money from the monsters that are destroying the the planet. I will NEVER vote for a candidate that supports wars and kills innocent people to steal their damn resources! I will NEVER vote for a candidate content with thousands DYING just to protect private insurance! EVER. Period. NEVER.
Guess I'm a purist. If that's what it means, then I wear the label proud.