Sunday, January 9, 2022

Rant Transcript

 OK. I'm gonna rant. I'm extremely angry and I can't beat anybody up because it's against the law so I'm gonna rant before I explode. I have absolutely had it with the phony theater government. That is ruling the world. It is a joke. It isn't real governance. They are actors. It's nothing but theater. We have been fighting this for years and it only gets worse and worse and worse. Democracy, which we do not have cannot save us. It can't save us because we dont have it.

I watched a documentary many years ago called End Civ. At the end the creator (Derek Jensen) said something that totally resinated with me. I'm just gonna play it because I want you to hear it. He says it better than I could. It is what I'm asking basically.. audio...

"If Nazis or other fascists took over North America what would we all do? What would we do if they implemented Musolini's definition of Fascism? Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because its a merger of state and corporate power. What if this occupied country called itself a democracy but almost everyone understood the elections to be shams?  Where citizens were allowed to choose between different wings of the same fascist Mussolini corporate party?  What if anti-government activity was opposed by storm troopers and secret police? would you fight back? If there already existed a resistance movement would you join it?  would you resist if the fascists irradiated the countryside, poisoned food supplies, made rivers unfit for swimming and so filthy you wouldn't even dream of drinking from them anymore? If Fascists systematically deforested the continent would you join an underground army of resistance, head to the forest and from there to boardrooms and the halls of Reichstadt to pick off  the occupying deforesters and most especially those giving them their marching orders?  Give me a threshold. Give me a specific point at which you'll finally take a stand. If you can't or won't give that threshold why not?"

Think about what's going on. How far are we gonna let it go? How can we continue to believe that doing the same thing we've been doing for the last 40 dang years is gonna change anything in time.  It's not. It's not gonna change anything.

We gotta switch our focus to solutions. Rather than exposure and 'who did what to who'. We gotta figure out a way to get rid of this government. Even saying that feels weird and sounds foreign to our logic. I don't know what that way is, but I know we gotta start talking about it. We're becoming a police state right before our eyes. 

our elections have been stolen from us since at least 2000. That is 20 YEARS of phony democracy. A joke that's destroying the world. Our government uses our tax dollars to invade defenseless countries and murder poor people to steal their resources. Our government is starving children right now. With sanctions and with military occupation of their agriculture.  Via occupation we are preventing them from growing food. Via sanction, we are preventing them from importing food! And medicine. During a PANDEMIC! Actually, that part may have been a favor since we see the countries without the vaccine are doing better than those with it. 

If we are serious, we've got to start fighting back in the ways that people do when they realize they need to form a serious resistance movement. Fuck patience!

These politicians are servants of the system. It's their job to keep the profits rolling in for the ruling class They will NEVER act in the interest of the people. The only things they will respond to is war and rhe threat of social disruption. If we allow them to stay in power they will only take back anything we manage to get from them.

Purely above ground means are designed to facilitate the expansion of global capitalism. 

If the law will not do the right thing, the people will have to do the right thing. And they will have to do it by breaking the law. That precedent has been set many times throughout our history. The people who saved the jews from the german nazis broke the law. The people who liberated slaves in our country broke the law for a higher ethical purpose. persuasion has not worked. Persuasion isn't going to work. we have to look at what people have done in the past to assert themselves.

We must realize that power is sociopathic and it will do whatever it takes to shut you up. without a fighting spirit, you lack the will to resist.

"The smartest thing the Nazis did, they made it so that every step of the way it was in the Jews best interest not to resist. Do you wanna get an id card-or do you wanna resist and possibly get killed? Do you wanna move to a ghetto- or do you wanna resist and possibly get killed? Do you wanna get on a cattle car- or do you wanna resist and possibly get killed? Do you wanna take a shower- or do you wanna resist and possibly get killed? Every step of the way it was in their rational self-interest to not resist. Something very important- The Jews that participated in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising had a higer rate of survival than those that went along. If we were in Nazi Germany right now, we would know what a resistance movement should be doing. We need to think about the culture of industrial civilization as a form of occupation. Because it is."