After completely IGNORING all needs of increasingly destitute Americans, the #FauxProgressive ghosts will surface again to convince you they ARE human and they DO lose sleep over their collaboration with the most DEPRAVED INDIFFERENT ADMINISTRATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY.
Each of them will plea not guilty due to duress I'm sure.
They will whine about the horrible position they're in (a much more fortunate position than you or I). They will beg for sympathy explaining how powerless they are & what a den of vipers they are forced to work in. I'm pretty sure I recall them saying they "weren't running to make friends" don't you? I think I also remember them saying they were gonna fight & 're-election' was not the goal.
So now, they will tell you to give them another shot. What a joke! If you care at all about PROGRESS, you will tell them all to kick rocks.
Why on earth should you feel bad about AOC's inability to cope? As a single woman without children to feed, clothe, or house, without bill collectors reminding her daily that she is in jeopardy of losing what little she has, she will tell you that she's a victim too. When she's seeking your pitty remember, she has NONE of these dillemas. I'm sure she'll ask you to appreciate how very hellish it is for her, who, in fact, HAS the very best healthcare, to watch so many die for lack of that very thing.
Next time you drive by the latest homeless incampment and that knot in your gut makes you feel guilty for not starving, think how much worse that would be if you were in a limosuine.
Intolerable I'm sure.