Friday, June 17, 2022

Ready for Reality Revolution?


Democrats Don Their Progressive Costumes

After completely IGNORING all needs of increasingly destitute Americans, the #FauxProgressive ghosts will surface again to convince you they ARE human and they DO lose sleep over their collaboration with the most DEPRAVED INDIFFERENT ADMINISTRATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY.  

Each of them will plea not guilty due to duress I'm sure.

They will whine about the horrible position they're in (a much more fortunate position than you or I). They will beg for sympathy explaining how powerless they are & what a den of vipers they are forced to work in. I'm pretty sure I recall them saying they "weren't running to make friends" don't you? I think I also remember them saying they were gonna fight & 're-election' was not the goal. 

So now, they will tell you to give them another shot. What a joke! If you care at all about PROGRESS, you will tell them all to kick rocks.

Why on earth should you feel bad about AOC's inability to cope? As a single woman without children to feed, clothe, or house, without bill collectors reminding her daily that she is in jeopardy of losing what little she has, she will tell you that she's a victim too. When she's seeking your pitty remember, she has NONE of these dillemas. I'm sure she'll ask you to appreciate how very hellish it is for her, who, in fact, HAS the very best healthcare, to watch so many die for lack of that very thing.

Next time you drive by the latest homeless incampment and that knot in your gut makes you feel guilty for not starving, think how much worse that would be if you were in a limosuine. 

Intolerable I'm sure. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Creative Provocation - A Revolutionary Tactic

 Creative Provocation. 

What an awesome term that is. My obsession with creative activism led me to an article today that I feel completely incapsulates what is required of the Modern Revolutionary movement. It begins with the question we've all been seeking answer to for several years now.

How do small groups of revolutionaries convince the majority of ordinary people of the need for revolution and persuade them to take the steps necessary to bring it about? 

Since I spend the majority of my time contemplating that very thing (as you do I'm sure if you're reading this), the value of any/all strategic possibilities are immeasurable.

 The focus of this gem is 'The Strategy of Dual Power'. is a periodical founded in 2016. It's writers/readers range from university faculty to prison inmates. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Making Money Off Desperate Parents (The American Way)

 So, I just witnessed something in the grocery store that made me very angry but I don't think there is anything people can do about it other than call it out when it happens. 

A guy in the grocery store was buying all the formula. I said "you're baby won't go hungry". He said "I don't have a baby. I'm gonna make some money." That pissed me off.  To me, thats perfect example of the horrors of capitalism. 

The only REAL way to escape poverty is through the exploitation of others.

What a system! GROSS

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Uncertain What The Future Holds? You shouldn't be.

 Anyone worried about what you can expect to happen in future in order to prepare yourself for it need not worry. It is CRYSTAL CLEAR. 

 The predictable accuracy of even the very best 'Psychic' doesn't come anywhere close to the accuracy of a predictive method we all have in our possession right now. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. The ability to predict  the future with outstanding accuracy only requires observance of the actions of the past.

Not sure what the next President will do? What have all Presidents been doing for decades? Here is what the future holds if left in this government's hands-

 murder, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, persecution, enforced disappearance

Election fraud, looting Treasury, inside trading, gutting regulatory agencies, denying healthcare, creating viruses, poisoning us, arming and financing foreign terrorist/apartheid governments and malitias, monopolizing media, defunding education, mass surveillance, mass incarceration, destroying small business, stealing private property, arming drug cartels that are driving the immigration they tell you to blame for your economic woes, murdering foreign leaders, overthrowing democracies, stealing resources, militarizing police, censorship, political imprisonment, terrorism, child trafficking, child abuse, animal cruelty, I could continue but it would be pages long.

 So, if you have the ability I suggest you prepare for all these things. If you don't have the means YOU BETTER FIGHT LIKE HELL TO  ESTABLISH  PUBLIC CONTROLS INTO  ALL AGENCIES OF YOUR GOVERNMENT.